
A varied and diverse diet ensures the supply of all nutrients and prevents diseases. Men’s testosterone levels can also be influenced by their diet. Overweight, malnutrition or excessive alcohol consumption can lower testosterone levels.

Enjoying and staying healthy with a whole-food diet: This is a holistic concept in which food and drinks are carefully selected and deliciously prepared. It is about eating habits as well as achieving and maintaining a feel-good weight.

Obesity is a serious health risk. It not only promotes the development of arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and certain cancers. It has also been proven that overweight men have lower testosterone levels than men of normal weight. It is important to lose weight slowly and sensibly. One-sided diets and fasting only do harm and can even lower testosterone levels.

Enjoying healthy food

Men were asked what they knew about whole foods. „Regulations and prohibitions“, „muesli, low-fat curd and boredom“ were the answers. Unfortunately, prejudices often persist. We would like to suggest other pairs of terms on the subject of wholefoods: Versatility and variety. Food culture and enjoyment.

It is not necessary to give up all your favourite dishes. What is most important is a varied diet and a switch to more vegetables, fruit and fibre-rich foods – these are the main characteristics of a Mediterranean diet. A wide variety of fruits, vegetables and salads form the main component of the daily diet. This includes abundant consumption of fibre-rich foods such as wholemeal or brown bread, pasta, brown rice and potatoes. Dairy products, especially yoghurt and cheese, are also included. Fish and poultry are found in Mediterranean cuisine, and occasionally lean meat. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and can lower cholesterol levels. If you don’t want to give up alcohol: a glass of red wine a day with your meal is allowed.

Does fat make you fat?

Fat plays a significant role in the development of overweight: because it contains many calories, because it is preferred by the body as an energy reserve and because it has a less favourable metabolism compared to carbohydrates. No more than 30% of total calories should be consumed in the form of fats.

But not all fats are the same. Especially the saturated fatty acids that come from foods of animal origin are converted into depot fat. You should also avoid animal fats because they increase cholesterol levels in the blood. In contrast, the unsaturated fatty acids that come from high-quality vegetable oils, for example, serve as building material for new cell walls. So it is worth taking a closer look at your fat intake. Also watch out for the „hidden“ fats in sausage and meat, sweets, snacks and convenience foods!

If you want to lose weight

Diets that only reduce total energy and are based solely on „calorie counting“ are of little long-term benefit. If, on the other hand, you consistently reduce fat when you eat, you have a good chance of becoming slimmer and, above all, staying slimmer! In general, the more weight you want to lose, the lower the fat content of your food should be. The rule of thumb is: do not eat more than 1 g of fat per kilogram of body weight per day.

A „low-fat life“ is not that difficult: fat is not responsible for the feeling of satiety – that is why, for example, low-fat quark satiates just as well as cream quark. Carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruit or wholemeal products are good fillers. They are also very voluminous. This way you have „a lot on your plate“ and don’t feel like you are eating less than usual.

Instead of fatty salami or liver sausage, eat lean ham. Cheese can also contain a lot of fat, but there are many reduced-fat varieties. Look for lean meat – you should always cut away visible fat.

Make sure you drink enough fluids

Our body consists mainly of water. All metabolic processes take place in water. Nutrients are transported with the help of fluid. Toxins and waste products are flushed out of the body with water. Through sweating, evaporation and excretion, we lose about two litres of fluid per day. If it is not replaced, this impedes many bodily functions. Therefore, you should drink about two litres of fluid daily, preferably in the form of water, diluted juices or tea. Especially for people who are no longer very young, sufficient fluid intake is very important. By the way, one to two glasses of red wine a day are also allowed.

Tips for everyday life

-Drink 2 litres of water per day! -Take your time when eating, the feeling of fullness only sets in after 20 minutes!
-Don’t eat dinner after 19:00!
-Eat fruit and vegetables every day!
-Eat soup more often!
-Eat an apple, for example, when you are ravenously hungry!
-Drink a glass of red wine instead of beer!
-Eat poultry and fish instead of pork!
Use cold-pressed olive oil or rapeseed oil instead of butter or margarine!
Do not go on a crash diet! Have three meals a day and divide the food as follows:

  • In the morning, start with a rich, carbohydrate-rich breakfast (e.g. muesli, honey, wholemeal or brown bread, oatmeal)! In addition, the breakfast should contain protein and unsaturated fatty acids (e.g. eggs, turkey ham, skimmed milk and soy products).
  • Lunch should be a mixed meal of carbohydrates, protein and saturated fats (e.g. potatoes, rice, pulses, fish).
  • Do not eat carbohydrates in the evening (no bread, no potatoes, no pasta, no rice), but above all eat plenty of high-quality protein (e.g. low-fat meat: turkey, beef, lamb).
Interstitial cystitis (IC) and diet

Some doctors and patients suspect that diet may have an influence on the symptoms of IC. However, as there is no accepted scientific evidence to date that certain foods can harm patients with IC, the first priority should be to eat a balanced diet.

Many patients have experienced that a certain diet can limit or relieve their severe pain. However, it is not a patent remedy that applies to every patient.

The following recommendations are based on experience, which everyone can try out for themselves. „The foods mentioned below as possibly problematic are not meant to be a strict list. Their harmfulness has not been proven. Tolerance varies from patient to patient and also depends on the day. Therefore, one should not simply deny oneself foods that one likes on the basis of this list. Rather, one should individually test whether one reacts to certain of the mentioned foods with increased complaints.

The most frequent recommendations

Alcohol (wine), coffee, (sliced) cheese, yeast, smoked or cured products, sweets, carbonated drinks, strong tea, tomatoes, citrus fruits, vinegar, fruit juices and strong spices.
Also include acidic foods such as pineapple, apple, apricots, chillies, strawberries, nectarines, peaches, plums, (cranberries), grapes and lemon juice. Fats:


Olive oil, canola oil, macadamia nut oil, fish oil and flax seed oil.


Corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, margarine, shortening, cholesterol and animal fat.


This diet is suitable for all people, not just patients with interstitial cystitis:

  • 300 g (or more) vegetables per day
  • 2 pieces (or more) of fruit per day
  • less than three times a week meat and also little dark meat
  • little saturated fats
  • sea fish once a week (Germany is an iodine deficient area)

Another piece of advice is that patients with IC should avoid foods with tyrosine, tyramine, tryptophan and aspartate. The list in this regard includes, in addition to those already mentioned:
Avocados, aspartame sweetener, aspartate in vitamin tablets, prunes, bananas, beer, brewer’s yeast, champagne, corned beef, canned figs, chicken liver, lima beans, Marmite sauce, mayonnaise, nuts, sultanas, rye bread, saccharin, broad beans, sour herring, sour cream, chocolate, soy sauce, wine, yoghurt and onions.

More tips:
  • Smoking and stress should also be avoided.
  • Eat a light and healthy diet and ensure good digestion. Eat several small meals a day instead of one big meal.
  • Drink bicarbonate of soda: Half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to a glass of water. Ask the doctor first!
Cranberry juice:

By taking 300 ml of cranberry juice per day, a reduction in the frequency of urinary tract infections can be achieved by blocking the bacterial attachment mechanisms to the mucosal cells, so that this therapeutic principle is likely to attract further attention in the future for recurrent infections.

Drink quantity and potassium

There is a suggestion that potassium contained in urine could irritate the bladder nerves of IC patients, causing urinary urgency and pain. It might therefore help to avoid mineral waters rich in potassium. Drinking larger amounts of fluid would also be advisable with regard to potassium therapy, as this could dilute the concentration of potassium. Unfortunately, patients with IC can only implement this to a certain extent, as the urine alone can cause them pain due to the quantity and the number of trips to the toilet can become unreasonable. However, it is pointed out again that the body needs a certain amount of fluid intake. As a minimum, one should therefore drink one and a half litres of fluid per day and get the rest of the required fluid through food, such as vegetables and fruit. Excess potassium is usually excreted by the body. Too little potassium can harm the body. With a good mixed diet, however, potassium deficiency does not occur in the body.


Man kann ausprobieren, ob man ein Lebensmittel verträgt oder nicht, indem man ein bestimmtes Nahrungsmittel über mehrere Tage in größeren Mengen verzehrt. Wenn sich daraufhin die Beschwerden verschlimmern, kann man dieses in Zukunft meiden. Es kann eine Erleichterung sein, wenn man ein „Tagebuch“ anlegt und die Speisen, die man für 5 bis 7 Tage ausprobiert hat, einträgt. Die Liste der „verbotenen“ Speisen mag am Anfang erschreckend erscheinen. Aber bedenken Sie, es gibt noch eine Menge Dinge, die Sie genießen dürfen. Einige IC-Patienten berichten, dass sie die wenigsten Probleme mit Reis, Kartoffeln, Nudeln, Gemüse Fleisch und Geflügel haben. Mit diesen Nahrungsmitteln als Basis für Ihre Diät können Sie nahrhafte und genussvolle Mahlzeiten herstellen. Sobald Sie einmal wissen, welche Nahrungsmittel bei Ihnen die Schmerzen verstärken, können Sie auch beruhigt auswärts essen gehen.

Guide to urinary stone disease – Uric acid stone

Dear patient,
You have been diagnosed and treated for a urinary stone. With the following recommendations on your diet, we would like to contribute to preventing further stone formation as far as possible.

Recommendations for fluid intake
The body’s waste products are eliminated and
excreted and concentrated by the kidneys. This means that they are present in high concentrations in the urine. If the fluid intake is too low, the concentration of these substances in the urine becomes so high that crystallisation can lead to stone formation.

A daily urine volume of at least 2 litres is necessary to dilute the urine so that the substances mentioned are well dissolved and flushed out. Do not be afraid that an increased fluid intake will damage the kidneys, because exactly the opposite is the case.

Drink your fluids evenly throughout the day, possibly also at night. Get into the habit of occasionally measuring the amount of fluid you actually drink. As a reminder, put a bottle of water on your desk, next to your bed, armchair, etc.

We still recommend a healthy diet, taking into account the following tips:


Meat extract, offal, liver sausage, fish (smoked), canned fish, herring, anchovies, anchovies, caviar, chocolate, yeast extract, alcoholic beverages, especially beer.


( 1x a day )
Poultry, veal, beef, pork, game, lean sausages, ham, trout, halibut, cod, haddock, sole, white beans, green peas, lentils, spinach, lettuce, mushrooms and asparagus.


Bread, pasta, pastries, fruits, vegetables, salads, potatoes, eggs, milk , dairy products, honey, jam, jelly, compotes, cereals, pasta, rice, fruit-vegetable juices, tea, coffee, cocoa and spices ( little salt).

I recommend from Arabic natural medicine to eat 3 pieces of figs on an empty stomach every morning.